L’Ambassade de la RDC vous informe ce jour la reprise de ses activités.
Suite à la Pandémie du Covid-19, toujours présente, l’Ambassade fonctionnera suivant les nouvelles dispositions ci-dessous :
1. L’Ambassade travaille en service minimum et en Back Office (fermée au public) ;
2. Tout accès à l’Ambassade par le public se fera uniquement sur rendez-vous.
Pour obtenir un rendez-vous, veuillez envoyer un message à l’adresse électronique suivante : ambassade@ambardcusa.org; ce message doit indiquer l’objet de la demande de rendez-vous et le nom de la personne que vous souhaiteriez rencontrer ; Vous ne vous présenterez à l’Ambassade que si vous recevez un message de confirmation au jour et à l’heure indiqués ; Le Port du masque est obligatoire pour tout accès à l’Ambassade ;
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6. Veuillez envoyer un courrier électronique à l’email de l’Ambassade, ambassade@ambardcusa.org , pour toutes les autres questions.
Ces dispositions restent en vigueur jusqu’à nouvel ordre.
Washington D.C, le 27 Août 2020
A lire le Communique en Francais et en Anglais | See for English Version

The Fees for Visas have changed. For further information, please see the Notice.
Les frais de visas ont changé. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez consulter cet Avis.

The many concerns expressed by the Congolese people both directly, through the forces consulted, and indirectly through its legitimate elected representatives, organized in provincial caucuses, beyond political divisions, have served as a compass for the development of this Agenda, which is intended to be ambitious and whose motto is “National Recovery from the Bottom Up”.
The Agenda, summarized here, is structured around (fifteen) 15 key pillars, grouped into four (04) major sectors, developed in the following lines.
See for further details Government Agenda ( English) | Pour plus de détails, voir le document ci-joint- ILUNGA

The Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Sylvestre Ilunga, on Monday, announced the list of 65-member Government set up seven months after the swearing-in of Felix Tshisekedi as president. The Government has 17 % percent are women.
Hereunder some of the appointed Ministers and see attachment to get the full list:
Senior Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs: Mrs. Marie Tumba Nzeza
Minister of Finance: Mr. Jose Sele Yalaghuli
Minister of Foreign Trade: Jean Lucien Bussa Tongba
Minister of the National Economy: Mrs. Acacia Bandubola Mbongo
Minister of Mines: Mr. Willy Kitobo Samsoni
Minister of Defense and War Veterans’ Affairs: Mr. Aime Ngoy Mukena

Secretary Michael R. Pompeo met today with Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) President Felix Tshisekedi in Washington, D.C. They discussed the future of U.S.-DRC relations following the country’s historic transfer of power earlier this year and expressed their common interest in partnering to deliver a better and more prosperous future… Continue reading “Secretary Pompeo’s Meets DRC President Felix Tshisekedi”

L’Ambassade a le reel plaisir de vous annoncer la visite officielle a Washington DC de son Excellence Monsieur le President de la Republique Felix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo pour un séjour du 3 au 6 Avril 2019. SALUTATIONS PATRIOTIQUES.
The Embassy has the real honor and it is with great pleasure that we are announcing the successful official visit of the President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mr. Felix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo to Washington DC. The President official visit was between April 3rd to April 6th, 2019.
Please see the Official notice ( In French) COMMUNIQUE OFFICIEL 2.

Elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo had “major faults”, but were possibly the most democratic the country has ever held, according to the US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Tibor Nagy. In a wide-ranging interview with RFI, Donald Trump’s Africa policy chief talked about the “serious” nature of Cameroon’s Anglophone crisis and Russian involvement in the Central African Republic.
“I look at Congo and other parts of Africa as an ongoing evolutionary process,” said Nagy, referring to the election of Felix Tshisekedi at the end of 2018. The most significant outcome is that “Kabila is gone”. Read more

Felix Tshisekedi, President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC, ended his official visit to Namibia on Wednesday after a series of activities with his host Hage Geingob.
Having arrived on Tuesday and holding a joint press conference with Geingob, Tshisekedi who was accompanied by his wife were hosted to an official dinner in his honor.
A highlight of his engagement on Wednesday was meeting with Sam Nujoma, Namibian revolutionary and its first president. Read more

The new president of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Felix Tshisekedi, says he wants to free all political prisoners within the next 10 days.
In a speech he said he would ask the justice minister to release all those held in jail for their political views.
Mr Tshisekedi assumed office in January, taking over from Joseph Kabila, who had been in power for 18 years.
But the result was disputed and Mr Kabila remains politically powerful.
Mr Tshisekedi made the announcement as he unveiled his “emergency programme for the first 100 days”. Read more

February 12, 2019 – At the end of the 32nd Summit of African Union Heads of State, President Museveni has held a couple of bilateral meetings with fellow regional leaders, their discussions being dominated by themes of security, integration and how to strengthen economic ties.
Congratulates Tshisekedi